Cryo Shipper Logger

Track cryogenic dry shippers while in transit, An ultra-low temperature monitoring system designed specifically to track your cryo shipper tanks on the move. Our tracking modules give you the ability to see exactly where your shipper is in its transit and collect multiple data points along the way, including the internal temperature of the shipper.

Our online portal allows you to track each shipper and its temperature, receive alerts if issues arise nad supports appropriate action to be taken. GPS and Wifi Location and Shipper Temperature are the default data points, There are other optional sensors, including shock and orientation, that paint a full picture of your shipper’s transit. The data can be viewed online during the shipment with your Cryogenic Shipper device Number and a report can be generated at the end of the shipment.

Monitors Internal tank temperature

Set threshold, temperature sample frequency, Notifiaton options get alerts via Email, Text, Voice on temperature breach.

Track Shipper Location /co-ordinates thru LIVE GPS tracking

With GPS GSM technologies Monitor your shipper samples and inetrnal temperatures in Realtime

Detects temperature fluctuations while your Shipper tanks in transit is critical to understand the sample quality with GPS tracking location now you know where the same is located and whats the internal temperatures are.

Track Transit Samples Quality

Tracking Data allows Paperless QA control of the samples in transit. Enhance your outcomes, Integrate with other Quality data for quality analysis.

Complete User Control Management

Cockpit monitoring, Sample Frequency, Threshold setup, Notification, Breach escalation, Mute, reports & much more.

Shipper Logger Advance senses

Turnkey Solutions to make your IVF, Andrology lab's QC/QA Automation to the next level
Enabling real-time monitoring of Cryo Dewars, Incubation units, and other Laboratory environmental factors.
Reduce Risks, enabling transformation bringing people, data and processes closure then ever, Unleash industrial innovation.

Shipper Internal Teperature Monitor

Monitor Internal Tank Temperature in realtime.

Track Location

Monitor Tank Location in Realtime

Monitors Internal tank temperature

Set threshold, temperature sample frequency, Notifiaton options get alerts via Email, Text, Voice on temperature breach.

Tank integrity Check - Detect frost, icing, leaks and failures

with Frost-SenseTM, MESHTM* technology

Detect tank leaks, integrity check for frost, icing, leaks and other failures.

Monitor tank weight

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Failsafe Multi-Sense Technology

Ensures You are notified of even at various stages of tank failure.

CRYO-GUARDTM Real-time IOT based monitoring system is an ultra-low temperature monitoring system designed specifically to guard your cryogenic tanks round the clock.

Key Features

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